วันอังคารที่ 24 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Teaching is a science

Teaching is a science

For anyone who knows that " the child is the future of man " PISA is a real shock . Tells us the Programme for International Student Assessment Monitoring OECD ? More unequal than ever, the French National Education manages the elite , but fails to give disadvantaged children the minimum baggage they need to understand a newspaper article or an arithmetic problem. To the second generation , a family of immigrant displays school results is lagging behind .

This result is inevitable? No. The complexity of the French language is not in question because, equal difficulty , Quebec and Belgium did far better than France . Sociologist Jerome Deauvieau in a recent report identifies the crux of the problem : the teaching of reading in first grade (CP).

He went to investigate in small neighborhoods of the Paris suburbs , areas "Lightning ", formerly priority education zones (ZEP ) where the poorest and the most difficult to educate children live . Its objective : to identify educational strategies for teachers, identify textbooks they choose to use , and assess the impact of these manuals on building students' reading at the end of CP .


First scandal . Why the Department of Program Evaluation of Education did he not bother to conduct itself such an assessment ? ...

