วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

Electronic monitoring of children is not a solution!

Electronic monitoring of children is not a solution!

Most young parents have experienced that feeling of panic when their child disappears from their sight , either behind the playground or behind a supermarket shelf ... Anne Eisenberg refers to the New York Times (@ nytimes ) . Fortunately, electronic monitoring technologies are there to reassure us. As is the case of monitoring bracelet Filip that is attached to the wrist of children and allows voice calls from one to five persons authorized by parents . The watch also has a red button that the child can operate when it is lost and then calls all authorized persons. But this is not the only solution. There Trax , a simple GPS that alerts you when your child or pet leaves the area where you allowed to flow by defining a single space on a map. In the United States , AT & T sells the FamilyMap , an application that allows you to draw phones each member of the family and generate alerts based on their location ... And there are other reports Liz Gannes of AllThingsD (@ AllThingsD ) as Life360 which has some 52 million users ( although not all use it to practice geosurveillance their relatives) .

The electronic bracelet child Filip

For the psychologist Sandra Calvert , director of the Centre for Digital Media for Children Georgetown University , these products make him think of how parents are now using mobile phones to monitor adolescents. From the perspective of children , the parent is an anchor and these tools allow the child to learn gradually go away. But the psychologist Lisa Damour (@ LDamour ) who directs the Center for Research on Girls and contributes to Motherlode , the parenting blog on the New York Times, these methods are not solutions. "I can understand that parents may want to know if their child to a problem, but I do not think it helps a child can always turn to his parents when he is in trouble. As parents , we need to first seek to ensure that our children develop skills to solve problems and manage their stress . " The panic button can have unexpected effects that are not going in the direction of the interests of the child , she says. Maybe it reduces the anxiety of parents to provide their children with this type of product , but is that it reduces the child's ? " This function sends a strong signal that the child is in danger message" , while statistically it is far from being the case . And psychologist noted, that unlike the risks we overvalue the abuse of children is rare and the vast majority of abuse is primarily the result of very close people of the children of kidnappers hidden in the rays unknown supermarkets.

This panic fear is not unfounded, but that does not stop parents from being terrified. Responsible for Filip , Jonathan Peachey , maybe watch increases the anxiety of the child, but is that a bad thing? Is this not a way to make him aware of the dangers surrounding ? Not so sure. First, because it is not certain that these tools awaken to the most real dangers that the child should be wary . Then develop because needless anxiety referring hers on another may be a way to create neuroses that help to realize the danger.

As yet said Lynn Schofield Clark , author of The application of parents, parents equip their children these tools must choose between the parental instinct to protect her offspring and the need to feed their sense of independence and responsibility. Children can not be protected by gadgets. They need to learn the basics to become a responsible member of the family. We must remind them again and again they must let us know where they are and be careful not to get lost. What seems certain is that under the principle of convenience , these tools do not help to deal with situations or to learn responsibility .

Control and monitoring does not cover all social classes

Sociologist and researcher at Microsoft, danah boyd (@ zephoria ) , which will publish in April It's complicated : the social networks of adolescents researcher Eszter Hargittai and (@ eszter ) bring in the latest issue of the journal Policy & Internet information about the educational control supplement. The adoption of social media use by adolescents is manifested by the rise of the fear and anxiety of their parents , often leading to moral panic . To protect children from potential risks , parents and legislators tend to respond to these concerns by developing some restrictions taking into account the gap between parental concerns and the reality of the damage suffered by adolescents. In fact, the researchers show , parents' fears are not uniform . Parental concerns about the risks to children vary significantly by ethnicity , income, urbanity and political ideology of parents. Parents from disadvantaged backgrounds express more fears that more educated or have higher incomes , particularly against cyber bullying parents, but the differences are not as pronounced when it comes to the fear of meeting of a stranger. As with exposure to pornography or violent content , socio -economic status does not seem to affect . Parents who live in urban areas tend to be more concerned about the risks their children than others. The researchers also highlight differences related to certain ethnic origins, especially for parents of Asian origin, or political ideology ( conservative parents fear more than other encounters with strangers) . Parents of girls expressed a higher level of concern in respect of their son and fears focus around children 10-11 years and for over 14 years .

But again, the study mainly shows the difference between what parents fear most for their children online (meeting with a dangerous stranger, online bullying , exposure to pornography, violent content ... or that intimidating a fellow himself) and what parents report that their children actually lived , even if family experience affects parental concern (except for the fear of meeting a stranger , which is very rare in facts , and lies fear expressed by most parents).

The researchers refer, in conclusion that the moral panic and the culture of fear lead people to be more isolated and less involved in public life. But they recognize that still knows little about the effects of parents' fears : how it affects social relationships of children, their school performance , their future relationships ... In an interesting article ( . Pdf ), David Finkelhor believes that parents' fears over the internet reflect broader concerns about living in a diverse society and became their ability to raise their children with their values ​​when all the values ​​of the world seep through the media. Finkelhor talking Juvenoia to talk about this technological anxiety particularly focused on the risks to children , but noted that these risks are addressed in fact everyone, even parents.

Debates on the fears of parents vis-à -vis internet often seem to assume that parents are all identical. However, the study said , this is not the case . Before designing legislation, or public policy tools to address these problems, it remains essential to ask the question: what parents are we talking about and what children?

A recent report funded by the office of juvenile justice and delinquency prevention American proposes to construct a " prevention framework to fight against the behavior of teenagers sexting " ( . Pdf) . The report stresses that the monitoring and control will not be a solution against sexting , but the solutions are based on devices that promote discussion and dialogue , to enable young people to have the tools to distinguish normative behaviors and healthy those which are more dangerous and aberrant . Educators, parents and institutions are more likely to respond and react to incidents ( incidents and some more than others ) to make prevention and information behaviors. It is necessary to prefer expensive "social emotional learning " the psychologist Daniel Goleman , author of Emotional Intelligence that has demonstrated its effectiveness by its holistic approach to a problem in the development of pro-social behavior in many school programs.

Monitoring and control do not make us antifragile !

According to a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research, economists led by Ross Levine and Yona Rubinstein , people who start companies are three times more likely to have engaged in risky and illegal activities when they were younger than those who became employees , reports the Wall Street Journal. In other words, troubled teens are more daring entrepreneurs. "This is a unique combination of breaking the rules and be smart to help you become an entrepreneur ," said Ross Levine.

AntifragileVous tell me , what the relationship between these risk behaviors and the risks to our children online? The report , maybe he should go and get the latest book by Nassim Nicholas Taleb (Wikipedia, @ nntaleb ) Antifragile a book both deeply challenging and deeply disconcerting. With Antifragile Taleb introduced a concept that aims the exact opposite of fragility. For him, it is not contrary robustness or strength (which are indifferent to unexpected events ), but antifragilité , that is to say the ability to improve, benefiting from strong shocks, the random, unexpected events ... A kind of resilience, ability to cope and take left difficult situations. This is the case of natural selection , for example, which decimates the weakest members allowing more adapted to transmit their genes and strengthen the species.

Despite the countless digressions and unbearable talent to express an emphatic opinion on everything , Taleb is interesting because it only seeks to overturn conventional wisdom. He explained at length such that clad the noblest intentions, we tend to be wary of the vagaries of life and love regularity, and therefore do everything to reduce the risks. But often we cognitively very difficult to perceive what is risky and what is not . And give an example of two brothers, one who is a bank employee who receives regular income and the other is a taxi driver whose incomes depend on its activity constantly called on the loom . Everyone will think that employment is much less risky and uncertain than the other. Well it is the opposite , says Taleb . In a crisis , the first loses all income, while the second one can find ways to maintain activity. The second may be unstable income, but this " volatility " forced to have to adapt constantly. We all tend to believe that chance is risky and harmful and seek to eliminate , without measuring the benefits of error and disorder.

For him, eliminate risks , uncertainty and surprise, as trying to do many parents trying to avoid stress, the risk to their children is the worst educational principle that is because it prevents us from learn by trial and error , by experience. Behind these very liberal principles , certainly hides a truth that is not sufficient in itself. If monitoring , control is actually not the principles of education as such , self him is. It misses another one to know the standards , limits, how to behave ... For troubled teens have a particularly high proportion of offenders chance to become entrepreneurs rather they do not realize the limits to be adopted.

Hubert Guillaud

