วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

The NGO Oxfam denounces an unbalanced partnership between Areva and Niger

The NGO Oxfam denounces an unbalanced partnership between Areva and Niger

The partnership between Areva and Niger , where the giant French nuclear extract almost 40 % of its uranium , is very unfavorable to poor African countries denounced the NGO Oxfam , while both parties renegotiate the contract between them . " In France , a three bulb is illuminated through the Niger uranium in Niger , nearly 90 % of the population has no access to electricity. " Says the Oxfam report " Areva in Niger to who benefits from the uranium? " , released Friday, Nov. 22 .
Between 1971 and 2010 , the latest year for which figures are available , Areva and his ancestors the Office of Atomic Energy and Cogema extracted 114,346 tons of uranium from Niger , Oxfam says , based on data from the World nuclear Association. But the Nigerian government should have touched on this period that CFAF 300 billion (approximately EUR 459 million ) , only 13% of the estimated 2,300 billion CFA francs (more than 3 total export value 5 billion euros) , Oxfam observes , based on a study of Dutch NGOs Somo .

"It is incomprehensible that the Niger fourth largest uranium producer in the world and a strategic supplier of Areva and France , do not draw more income from such exploitation and remains one of the poorest countries on the planet " notes Anne -Sophie Simpere , Oxfam France , the author of this survey. The weakness of this redistribution is particularly linked to important exemptions - customs duties , VAT , taxes on fuel - enjoyed Areva in Niger and which the French group must renounce Oxfam calls .


A spokesman for Areva presented very different numbers. " For forty years , the State of Niger received 871 million euros , that is to say 85% of direct revenue , Areva € 129 million, or 13 %, and € 24 million for direct foreign partners , or 2% , has he explained .
It is important to recognize that two uranium mines can only finance the economic development of a country of over 17 million people . "

In 2012 , 70% of total revenue went to the State of Niger , 27% ​​Areva and other foreign partners remaining 3% , has he added. The operation of the Niger uranium contract expires on 31 December 2013. Renegotiation causes an intense arm wrestling between Niamey and Areva, which the French state owns a more than 80 %.

